Second: Choose the right portion
The idea of the right portion for you is giving you the needed energy until the next meal and you enjoy it. However, the recommendation of the expert for the healthy eating starter is adding more vegetables than usual into your meal. According to Mrs.Marshall, author of the book Five-Finger Food Guide, vegetables and fruits should be your largest food portion of the day. Your second largest food portion should come from healthy protein such as red meat, fish or chicken without the fatty part and beans. Following by smart carbohydrates and lastly is healthy fats.
The guidance on how many serving you should have in a day for each nutrition category is shown in the table below.
If you are not quite sure how much a serving is, these are some simple example of one serving size from each food group that you would use every day.
1 cup of milk/yogurt (230ml)
About two ounces of cheese (~55g)
1 slice of bread
1 ounce instant cereal
½ cup of cooked cereal, rice and pasta.
Fruit and vegetables:
1 medium apple, banana, orange
½ cup of chopped, cooked, canned fruit
¾ cup of juice (100% from fruit without sugar)
1 cup of raw vegetables
½ cup of processed (cooked or chopped) vegetables
¾ cup of vegetable juice with less or no sugar.
2-3 ounces of cooked lean meat (skinless chicken, turkey and red meat with the trimmed fat), poultry or fish.
½ cup of cooked bean
1 egg
2 tablespoons of peanut butter

Margaret Marshall
Teens participating in the Summer Wellness Programs. “Vegetable Group.” California Teen Health | Teen Health Information, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, 19 Dec. 2013,
Teens participating in the Summer Wellness Programs. “Fruit Group.” California Teen Health | Teen Health Information, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, 20 Oct. 2013,
Teens participating in the Summer Wellness Programs. “Bread Group.” California Teen Health | Teen Health Information, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Oct. 2013,
Monica, Karen. “Dairy Group.” California Teen Health | Teen Health Information, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, 20 Oct. 2013,