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         Besides breakfast, snack is highly agreed as the most expected meal of the day. However, because of various of offers and the small time people have for this meal, it is hard to control the quality of food and to make sure it doesn’t worsen you eating quality. These are some example of unhealthy snack options and suggestions to replace them.


          Unhealthy snack examples:

  • Chips and coke

  • Combo from a fast food brand

  • Instant noodle

  • Milk tea and the other high-in-sugar drinks


           Healthier suggestion:

  • Cake from whole grain without too much sugar, for example, crackers, cereal or oats

  • Lower fat milk or string cheese as the calcium source with low fat.

  • Unsalted nuts

  • Fruits with peanut butter

Healthy Snacks and Lunches


            Even when you are eating healthier option, try to eat the small amount to avoid overeating and affect your appetite for the next main meal.

            Try some lunch suggestions of the nutritious expert Margaret Mashall:

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